Sunday, July 15, 2012

"Today I don't feel like doin' anything. I just wanna lay in my bed."

Today has been a VERY lazy Sunday.  I woke up around 9 this morning and decided to sleep for two hours longer.  It ended up not working out; I couldn't fall back to sleep.  All I have accomplished today is eating lunch, running some money to my dad, and lying in bed messing with photoshop.  I've taken a break from my Criminal Minds viewing.  Last night's episode was extremely disturbing:


These three best friends, Brooke, Polly and Kelly, are kidnapped and placed in a room together.  Brooke can be seen coughing; she quickly develops a fever and becomes sicker and sicker.  The girls are wondering what is happening when a voice says to them that they must choose one to die, while the remaining two girls will walk free.  Eventually, Kelly talks Polly into choosing Brooke as the one to die.  They tell the unsub (unidentified subject) that they have chosen.  The unsub tosses in two hammers.  Can you guess where I'm going with this?

Needless to say, I need a little bit of a breather from Criminal Minds.  That episode was intense! In case you are wondering which episode it is: Criminal Minds 2x07: North Mammon

Well, I didn't get anything done that I had hoped to today. My plan was to begin cleaning my room and getting rid of some things that I didn't need.  Starting tomorrow, I am going to get my butt in gear.

Dates to Look Forward To:
4 days until Orientation and Apartment Searching!
19 days until Moving Day!
27 days until My Friend's Wedding!
32 days until First Day of Pre-School!

Quote from The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars

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