Being an adult is very difficult. It's been quite the adjustment living alone and working every day. On Friday, my car was making weird noises and I had to take it in to the shop yesterday. Because my car was acting up, there was a chance I wasn't going to make it to alumni weekend at Miami.
Being a teacher is hard. My morning class is off the wall crazy! I have two spanish speaking students, which is a challenge in itself. Some of the children use physical means of handling conflict. So I feel as though I'm constantly having to stop what I'm doing to break up a fight. There's only a handful of students in the morning class who actually listen and follow directions. By the time the PM class arrives, I'm exhausted. Luckily, the afternoon class are angels so I get the crazy out of the way. Then, I hit rock bottom when I burst into tears at the start of a meeting I had with my principal. As soon as she asked, "how's it going?" the tears fell. It was extremely embarrassing! But as always, my principal is amazing and she just handed me a box of tissues and said "talk to me. What's going on?" I'm not going to go into the particulars of the meeting, but let's just say that I ended up feeling so much better after I met with her.
I definitely think it's going to take me awhile to adjust to these HUGE changes in my life. But if I can keep having weekends like the one I had this weekend? I think I'll survive. First, I went to the homecoming football game and the Redhawks KILLED IT! The best part of it was that I got to see the game with my two best friends! Then, I went home and took a nap before returning to Oxford to go out with my best friend Jenny. Today, I enjoyed a lazy Sunday. I am currently at the library, catching up some shows and updating my dear readers on what's going on in "the world of Liz."
I apologize for not having a Teacher Insight Thursday post. It's difficult to get one written when I don't have internet at home and am extremely busy with work. But I will try to get one up when I've found my routine.
Quote from Under Pressure by David Bowie
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